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Designer Janet Porcher Gregg in Charleston, SC.


Follow our Instagram! @janetgregg1



February 13: Raleigh, NC

March 15 - 17: Boca Grande, FL

March 27: Palm Beach, FL

April 11: Washington, DC

April 24 - 25: Atlanta, GA

June 11 -12: Charlottesville, VA

June 25: Atlantic Beach, NC

August 2 - 3: Linville, NC


February 8: Raleigh, NC

February 15: Charleston, SC

March 10 - 12: Boca Grande, FL

March 29 - 30: Tallahassee, FL

April 18: Locust Valley, NY

May 9: Richmond, VA

May 18: Lexington, KY

May 31 - June 1: Baltimore, MD

June 23 - 24: Wade Hampton Golf Club, Cashiers, NC

September 25 - 27: Richmond, VA, Garden Club of Virginia


February 16: Richmond, VA

March 4 - 5: Loblolly

March 11 - 13: Boca Grande, FL

April 26: Atlanta, GA

April 28: Beaufort, SC

May 3: Washington, DC

May 4: Baltimore, MD

June 24 - 25: Cashiers, NC

July 13: Locust Valley, NY

September 14: Richmond, VA

September 28 - 29: Winston Salem, NC

October 18: Wilmington, NC

October 25: Nashville, TN

October 27: Memphis, TN

November 15: New Canaan, CT

November 16: Greenwich, CT


February 22: Winston Salem, NC

March 11 - 13: Gasparilla Inn, Boca Grande, FL

May 26: Richmond, VA

May 30: Figure Eight Island, NC

June 5: South Hampton, NY

July 19: Roaring Gap, NC

August 25: Bluffton, SC

October 5: Raleigh, NC

October 20 - 21: Wilmington, NC

November 3: Columbia, SC

November 9: Nashville, TN


February 12 - 13: Winston Salem, NC

March 10: Augusta, GA

March 12 - 14: Gasparilla Inn, Boca Grande, FL

June 8 - 9: DeBordieu, SC

October 2 - 3: Atlanta, Ga

October 21 - 23: Jacksonville, FL

November 5 - 6: St. Simons Island, GA

December 3: Charleston, SC

December 5: Richmond, VA


February 6 - 7: Winston Salem, NC

February 13: Charleston, SC

February 25 - 26: Roanoke, VA

March 7 - 9: Gasparilla Inn, Boca Grande, FL

April 4 - 5: Bluffton, SC

April 10: Athens, GA

April 24 - 25: Grand Rapids, MI

May 1: Pinehurst, NC

May 8: Pointe Clear, AL

May 14 - 15: Philadelphia, PA

May 22: Martinsville, VA

June 14 - 15: Linville, NC

June 20 - 21: Beaufort, NC

July 5 - 7: Roaring Gap, NC

July 9: Newport, RI

July 10 - 12: Osterville, MA

July 22: Figure Eight Island, NC

September 25: Raleigh, NC

October 4 - 5: Lexington, VA

October 17 - 18: Charleston, SC

October 22: Lexington, KY

October 23 - 24: Arlington, VA

November 5: Vero Beach, FL

November 6: Charleston, SC

November 18 - 19: Atlanta, GA

November 21 - 22: Charlotte, NC

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